I Will Touch the Sky - 塞壬唱片-MSR/Edine/Eric
Keep holding on
It's human nature to keep holding on
To never let go
It's human instinct to never let go
And if you can touch the sky
You'll see there's a pattern a pattern
And if you can touch the sky
To see it's a pattern a pattern
That the human instinct it to keep holding on
The universe in my mind
Our universe I have to find
And if you can touch the skylight
The truth lies in the pure and white
The truth is in my eyes
I will touch the sky
I will reach the eternal light
With my wings spread wide
I'll soar up high
It's my human instinct to keep
I will touch the sky
I will reach the eternal light
With my wings spread wide
I'll soar up high
It's my human instinct to never let go
《塞壬唱片-MSR/Edine/Eric的I Will Touch the Sky歌词》更新日期为:2024-09-29 21:29:18;由本站小编进行发布,目前浏览的小伙伴达到26,感谢你们的支持,后期1234啦小编会继续为大家更新更多相关的文章,希望广大网友多多关注1234啦音乐歌词栏目,如果觉得本站不错,那就给我们一个分享的支持吧!