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当前位置:首页 > 资讯大全 > 音乐歌词 > TOO MUCH


浏览次数: 发布时间:2023-10-21 22:19:08


作词 : Central Cee/Charlton Howard/Omer Fedi/Justin Bieber/Jasper Harris/Billy Walsh/Emile Haynie/Blake Slatkin

作曲 : Central Cee/Charlton Howard/Omer Fedi/Justin Bieber/Jasper Harris/Billy Walsh/Emile Haynie/Blake Slatkin

If we had the chance and the time to spend


Would you do it agAIn? Would you do it again?

你是否会再来一次 你是否会再来一次

Was it too much? Uh-huh, was it too much?

是否已经太多了 是否已经太多了

Now you're calling your friends 'cause I'm gone again

现在你再次叫来朋友 因为我再次离开

When I'm back around, would you do it again?

当我回来时 你是否会再来一次

Was it too much? Uh-huh, was it too much?

是否已经太多了 是否已经太多了

So tell me, what got in the way?

那么告诉我 是什么事情阻碍了我们

And how I thought it was good than it changed

起初我以为一切都美好如初 然后一切都变了

And I'm saying I'm sorry again


Oh, I could never get out of my way


Hit the store and your wardrobes replaced

逛店 更换了你的衣柜

And still all that you do is complain


You keep on throwing it back in my my face


And now you're telling me I need some space

现在你告诉我 我需要一些空间

So I'm laying in my bed tripped off the shrooms now

所以我躺在床上 陶醉在蘑菇的幻境中

I'll be dead before I'm without you now

在失去你之前 我宁愿离世

Realizing I'm addicted to you now


Come here, baby, relax and cool down

来吧 宝贝 放松一下

What you saying hit me back with the move now

你说什么 回应我 接下来怎么办

In my brain no one else, it's just you now

在我的脑海中 除了你别无他人

Let me love you the way that I do now


I never knew how


If we had the chance and the time to spend


Would you do it again? Would you do it again?


Was it too much? Uh-huh, was it too much?

是否已经太多了 是否已经太多了

Now you're calling your friends 'cause I'm gone again

现在你再次叫来朋友 因为我再次离开

When I'm back around, would you do it again?

当我重回时 你是否会再来一次

Was it too much? Uh-huh, was it too much?

是否已经太多了 是否已经太多了

Was it too much?

Am I doing too much?


Do you understand my slang and get my sense of humor?

你是否理解我的俚语 还能理解我的幽默

When your girlfriends told you I've been ****ing around


Would you believe me if I told you that they were lying and that's just a rumor?

你是否会相信我告诉你她们在撒谎 只是谣言

Send you my personal driver, man, this ain't just an Uber

我派遣了我的私人司机 兄弟这可不仅是个Uber

You know it's serious when you stay at man, ya bring a toothbrush

你知道事情变得严肃 当你带着牙刷

Extra panties in your bad and some makeup remover


You know I'm hardly on my own 'cause I stay with a shooter

你知道我很少独处 因为我与保镖同住

She call me daddy, she's got issues, I am not her father

她称我为老爸 她有问题 但我可不是她的父亲

Hop off the boat into the jet, leave you at the harbor

从船上跳下 进入飞机 将你留在港口

She injecting with Ozempic, try to stop her hunger

她注射奥塞米匹克 试图控制她的食欲

Uh, I wanked before you cane, so I can **** you longer

在你到来之前 我已完事了 所以能更持久

S650 chauffeur driven, just tap your address in

S650的司机已准备就绪 只需输入你的地址

Pack your bag and we can board the next flight, we can check-in

打包好行李 我们可以登上下一班飞机 可以办理登机手续

Make sure you check you fill up your anti-depressants


Before I fly you out again and you make me regret it

在我再度带你离开之前 别让我后悔

Uh, it's that time, pour it up, let's take one into the head

现在是时候 倒满杯 让我们畅饮一番

Top down, almost crashed, 'cause I'm lookin' at your text

敞篷车顶 险些相撞 因为我正在看你的信息

Back and forth, and you mad about shit I never said

来回徘徊 你对一些我从未说过的事感到愤怒

Double text, no reply, but I'm knowin' that you read it

双倍信息却没有回应 但我知道你已经看到了

What you sayin'? Hit me back, what's the move now? (Ooh)

你说什么 给我回个消息 下一步怎么办呢

In my brain, no one else, it's just you now (Yeah)

在我的脑海中 除了你 别无他人

Let me love you the way that I do now

让我如此深爱你 我从未明白这样的感觉

I never knew how (Ooh)

If you had the chance and the time to spend


Would you do it again? Would you do it again?

你是否会再来一次 你是否会再来一次

Was it too much? Uh-huh, was it too much?

是否已经太多了 是否已经太多了

Now you're calling your friends 'cause I'm gone again

如今我再度离开 当我重回时 是否已为你太多了

When I'm back around, would you do it again (Too much)

当我再回来时 你还会再来一次吗

Was it too much? (Too much) Uh-huh, was it too much?

这一切是否太多了 是否太多了

Tell me what you too much

告诉我 这一切是否太多了

Was it too much?


Was it too much?


Was it too much?


Was it too much?


《The Kid LAROI的TOO MUCH歌词》更新日期为:2024-09-29 21:26:32;由本站小编进行发布,目前浏览的小伙伴达到204,感谢你们的支持,后期1234啦小编会继续为大家更新更多相关的文章,希望广大网友多多关注1234啦音乐歌词栏目,如果觉得本站不错,那就给我们一个分享的支持吧!


